Intake Manager

Dayna McPhail is the Intake Manager for the Program.

In this role, Dayna receives referral forms from primary care providers. And she calls referred moms and parents to schedule their first counselling appointment.

Dayna is the initial contact person for the program.

She is the person to call if you are a medical clinic with questions about the program or a referral. And she is the person who contacts eligible parents to schedule a first counselling session.

After the first session is booked, a parent’s contact with the program shifts entirely (or mostly) to their perinatal counsellor. This means that a parent who needs to change a scheduled appointment will contact their counsellor to make the change.

Even after a counsellor becomes the main contact for the program, parents are welcome to call Dayna at any point. Think of Dayna as your backup person should an issue or question come up in our communications, scheduling or the services we provide.

Call, Fax or upload

Use the program phone number to speak with Dayna. Or send a referral to the program office by fax of secure upload.

Phone: 250-885-6760

Fax: 250-472-6762

Secure Form Upload

If Dayna calls and leaves a message, please call her back at the program phone number above. Dayna usually returns calls the same day if received before 3:00 pm on a business day. Otherwise, expect a call in the morning of the next business day.

Although we request contact by phone or fax for most communications, general enquiries can be emailed to


“I believe that a different therapy must be constructed for each patient because each has a unique story.”

— Irvin D. Yalom