Program Development

In the background, we work to continually improve the capacity of our operational team to efficiently deliver quality mental health counselling that meets the needs of our community as they evolve.

This work is led by Traci McGee who operates the Program as part of her private practice, McGee Therapy & Consulting Inc. And it is influenced by counsellors, intake manager and our wider team of local community partners who together provide the services and sustain the program..

If you have a general enquiry about the work of the program, use the program contact information to send your enquiry to Dayna (our intake manager) or Traci.

Admin & Plans

Also in the background, Michael McGee assists with some of the administrative, systems and program development work. This includes building this website, software management, and documentation of program plans, practices and progress.

Michael does this work as a program development consultant for McGee Therapy & Consulting Inc. In case you were wondering, yes, Michael is Traci’s husband.

If you have an enquiry that is related to the website or a similarly technical matter, feel free to start with an email or call to Michael at or 778-535-6760.


“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

– Leonard Cohen