
Wordmark for CRD Perinatal Counselling Program

Who uses the program?

The CRD Perinatal Counselling Program provides intake and counselling services for parents and expecting parents who reside in the CRD and are experiencing a clinical depression, anxiety or a mental health adjustment disorder.

The Program is for these parents who have not received counselling in their current perinatal period, and who do not have the resources to independently obtain perinatal counselling when they need it.

Further, the program is for parents who seek and can benefit from counselling.

What are the services?

The services we provide cover the perinatal period from pregnancy until 9 months after the baby is born. They include:

  • prenatal counselling
  • postpartum counselling
  • perinatal grief and loss counselling

Each service is introduced on our counselling services page.

Who is eligible for perinatal counselling?

The following eligibility criteria are set out in Section A of the referral form.

A parent is eligible for perinatal counselling when:

(1) living in the Capital Regional District,

(2) in their perinatal period (pregnancy to 9 mos. postpartum),

(3) experiencing at least one of the following:

  • depression
  • anxiety disorder
  • mood adjustment disorder,

(4) counselling has not been received in their current perinatal period,

(5) extended health insurance is not available for the parent to receive counselling, and

(6) counselling and the referral are wanted.

Who is eligible for perinatal grief counselling?

The following eligibility criteria are set out in Section B of the referral form.

A parent is eligible for perinatal grief counselling when:

(1) living in the Capital Regional District,

(2) a perinatal loss occurred in the past 9 months due to one of the following:

  • stillbirth
  • infant loss within 9 months of birth
  • later term miscarriage
  • miscarriage after multiple miscarriages,

(3) counselling has not been received in their current perinatal period,

(4) extended health insurance is not available for the parent to receive counselling, and

(5) counselling and the referral are wanted.

Is there anything else to consider?

The availability of program-funded sessions is subject to the availability of funding and counsellors when a referral is received.

Can referrals be made for private counselling?

Yes. A person can be referred for private counselling when they are not eligible for program-funded counselling.

Many private counselling options are available in the Greater Victoria area. Tools for finding accredited counsellors and therapists are provided on the Private Options page of this site.

Also, primary care providers can make a private referral with the program referral form. Simply complete the form and check the box for “private referral” in Section C.


“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

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