Our Team of Partners

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The CRD Perinatal Counselling Program is operated and supported by a diverse, distributed team of individuals and organization, each committed to a different yet crucial role.

  • As the program’s operator, Traci McGee leads the development of the program and its delivery of intake and counselling services. Traci does this work through her private practice, McGee Therapy & Consulting Inc.

  • Our Intake Manager, Dayna McPhail, promptly connects parents referred by a primary care provider with one of the program counsellors. She also takes the time with each parent to answer all their questions and overcome any challenges that can prevent them from getting to their first counselling session.

  • Program governance and oversight is provided by physicians and community leaders at the Westshore Primary Care Society. The WPCS is a charitable organization that promotes innovative solutions to healthcare challenges in Greater Victoria.

We also acknowledge the many local healthcare professional and their clinics who play a key role in identifying and referring eligible parents when they need our services and can benefit from them.

It may be said that each of these individuals and groups know at least one person or family in our community who has benefited from the perinatal counselling that we deliver and make accessible.


“To be human is to need others, and this is no flaw or weakness.”

Sue Johnson